DBMS is known as Data Base Management System is used to store and retrieve the data.There are millions of application are running on the internet its all
depend on the database.
There are different kind of database are available on the internet and each database has it own unique specialization in that few are most popular like
SQL, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, FileMaker,DB2, Oracle and DBASE.
This Blog is going to give you the full tutorial on Mysql because its an open source database and it also performance good.
What Mysql can do for you?
depend on the database.
There are different kind of database are available on the internet and each database has it own unique specialization in that few are most popular like
SQL, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, FileMaker,DB2, Oracle and DBASE.
This Blog is going to give you the full tutorial on Mysql because its an open source database and it also performance good.
What Mysql can do for you?
- Execute queries against a database
- Retrieve data from a database
- Insert records in a database
- Update records in a database
- Delete records from a database
- Create new databases
- Create new tables in a database
- Create stored procedures in a database
- Create views in a database
- Set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
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